My mission is to support those struggling with chronic stress, anxiety, and health imbalances to move from survival mode into a place of vitality, health, and mental clarity through personalized Ayurvedic and holistic health coaching. 

HI THERE! MY NAME IS CHELSEA. Ayurvedic Health Practitioner on a mission to offer you the space to heal.

You get that nudge that something isn’t right. Maybe you wake up tired even though you got 8-hours of sleep. Or your digestion isn’t getting better even after the nth-visit to your doctor. 

For much of my teenage and young adult life, I heard doctors tell me “the cause is unknown.” I struggled with an autoimmune disease and at that young age, I followed the guidance of well-meaning doctors that prescribed me treatment after treatment. At one point I asked myself — do I continue with these medications that don’t make me feel well or is there an alternate route? Can I do this more holistically?

As I became more aware, I started asking more questions and I took matters into my own hands. Somewhere on that journey, I discovered an ancient yet approachable health system called Ayurveda that completely changed the way I view health.  My mission is for you to experience the same — to support you by integrating these ancient teachings into your life and experience the longevity and lasting joyfulness that you deserve! 

Let’s give your symptoms a space to heal by integrating these holistic teachings into your life.

 “​​Ayurveda shifts the responsibility of health onto the individual – when you are established in your Self – that is health.” 






Together we will explore your specific needs and come up with a treatment plan aimed at addressing your health goals.

Interested in deepening your yoga practice through private one-on-one sessions? We’ll work together to create a balanced yoga, breathwork, and meditation practice tailored to you.

Reach out if you’re interested in hosting a holistic health & wellness workshop for your company, yoga studio, or small group.

Is this the right choice for you?

I would love to offer you a complimentary 20 minute consultation to help answer any questions and take time to learn about your health journey.

Are you new to Ayurveda?

Ayur = Life 
Veda = Knowledge

The word Ayurveda translates to the
“science of life.”

Ayurveda is new to many! It is a traditional health system, originally from India and dating back 5,000+ years, with an approach rooted in both prevention and treating illness through diet, herbs, and lifestyle practices. With these goals in mind, I work with client's interested in both preventative care, as well as in health or disease management. 

And while the term may be new, many of the current trends we’re seeing in health and wellness have its roots in Ayurveda such as intermittent fasting, adaptogens, epigenetics, microbiome and gut health — to name a few!